Here are some pictures. We didn't have it all together that day, so we didn't take any pictures ourselves. But here are a few that a friend shared with us. Notice the kid to parent ratio. This would scare many people away.
Our family picture with Santa...not so great this time =)
After the Multiples Club party I took Mikayla to see The Nutcracker performed by the Manassas Ballet Theatre. When Jordan heard me say that we were going to see The Nutcracker, he said he wanted to go too. Then when he discovered it was a ballet and not a movie, he changed his mind. It was Mikayla's first ballet experience. And considering it was a little over 2 1/2 hours....she did great. At first she was confused because they weren't talking. She wanted to know why they couldn't dance and talk. I explained that we were supposed to interpret what was going on based on their movements. She asked me to help her out, so I whispered different scenes to her. One of the dancers, the Arabian, didn't wear a shirt. So today Mikayla had her shirt off and she said..."I look like one of the dancers from yesterday. You know, one of the boy dancers." I guess that made an impression on her. God help us get through those teenage years! Mikayla also really enjoyed seeing the Orchestra in the pit. That was a first, too. She knew a lot of the instruments - the piccolo, flute, clarinet, trumpet, drums, xylophone, heart (how she refers to the harp no matter how many times I correct her), violin, cello, and the electric piano. She was thrown by the bassoon. She didn't realize how big a bassoon was. She also didn't know what a bass was. It's just a big violin =) All in all, Mikayla enjoyed it. It was a bit long for her attention span. But she really did great!
Mikayla and I got home just in time for Darin to get to his office party. He had a good time and prob. enjoyed the night to himself.
Today was filled with more holiday fun. We ventured into D.C. to a friends house. They had a small gathering with 60 of their closest friends in attendance. It was a bit of a zoo, but we had a great time. I have to say thanks for all the extra eyes and ears on the kids. It's always a bit crazy when you go to a home where kids don't reside. Jackson found the M&M's and I think he ate half a bag before I realized what he was in to. Payton snagged a brownie from an unsuspecting guest that sat his plate on an end table within Payton's reach. Ryne tried to unwrap a gift they had sitting under their tree. He didn't get very far. The bow got stuck to his hand and he cried because he couldn't get it off. Jordan and Mikayla kept occupied with their Leapsters. A little boy was so fascinated by Jordan's game. He watched intently, almost putting his nose on the screen. Jordan offered to share and the little boy took him up on it - and played the rest of the night =) Again, my hands were full but I did manage to snap a picture of Jackson trying the Santa hat on for size. Get ready for some holiday cuteness!
The kids' cuteness must make up for their occasional cries and attempts to get into things they shouldn't because we were invited to a regift party on the 5th...with the kids =) Sounds like fun. I can't wait to see what gift I will regift =)
Oh but today's fun doesn't stop here. It's almost midnight (blogger thinks I live on the West Coast. I've tried to change it so it posts the correct time...but it hasn't worked yet) and my cookie dough is chilling in the fridge. I still have to make cookies tonight for a cookie exchange tomorrow evening. I made enough dough for 10 dozen cookies according to the recipe. I don't know if I make my cookies too big or what...but I always get about 1/2 the number of cookies the recipe says it will make. I only need to take 5 dozen tomorrow. I hope it makes a few extra to have here at home. We'll see. Well I'm off to bake cookies - Raspberry Preserve Thumbprint cookies to be exact. YUMMY! I have to keep Darin away or I'll only have 3 dozen to take tomorrow!
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