Monday, December 17, 2007

Breach of Security

The twins have officially broken every level of security we have in place at our house -minus the door knobs. They still aren't tall enough or strong enough to twist the door knobs...but that's only a matter of time.

1. Stair Gate

We, ok I, chose the stair gate we have in place because it folds away when not in use. Darin hates this thing because it's a little loud and it works best if you have 2 available hands. I hate having to step over or fuss with gates when the kids aren't even awake. I know...lazy. It's also more attractive. You barely notice the gate when it's folded away. Looks like this:

Payton and Jackson found a way to squeeze under the gate. So sometimes I'll catch them downstairs when they aren't supposed to be. Payton also uses it as a pull-up bar. She uses her arms to pull herself up and hangs on to greet you on the other side. I'm telling you, she's STRONG!

2. Cabinet Locks
These things are supposed to be difficult enough for the kids not to open the cabinets and easy enough for adults to unlock for everyday use.

The twins first began breaching this level of security by wedging their little hands in the small gap that is created when you open the cabinet and the lock latches. They would just reach in and blindly pull stuff out. Then Jackson figured out how to push down on the lock as you pull out the cabinet. Now they are totally useless. Even Ryne has figured these things out.

3. Today's Kid Play Yard
We originally used these to fence in our living room. It gave the kids space to play while keeping the kitchen, dining room, and office area off limits. These worked great when the kids were little.

Now, let me count the ways how they get around these. When used as a gated area, the twins can lift them up and unlatch the segments or they just climb up and over them. We still are trying to use them to shield our TV gadgets like the receiver, DVD recorder, and DVR. Unfortunately, their little hands fit through there too easily. It still usually gives me enough time to see they are reaching for something before too many buttons are pushed.

4. Crib Tent
Never heard of them? I didn't either until I joined my Mom's of Multiples group. Most people use these to keep kids in cribs a little bit longer so they don't climb or fall out. We use it to keep kids out of the cribs, specifically Payton. Payton kept climbing into Ryne's crib. It was cute...until one day she scratched the heck out of his face in a couple seconds! Jackson would occasionally be in the crib too. But not as often.

We put the crib tent up...and 3 weeks later, they were found in Ryne's crib yet again. I think Payton climbs up the side of the crib, holds on with one hand, and unzips the opening. It has got to take great strength and determination. This tent ends up being about as tall as I am...but she has done it twice now. This last time both Jackson & Payton were keeping Ryne company. We still are going to use it though. It at least keeps them at bay a little longer.

So our house has officially been taken over. Time to start looking for the door knob covers. They may keep us sane for a few more months. I'll cross my fingers anyway.

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