Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No, really, we're back

For some unknown reason, my computer failed to operate for many days. After 4 days of trying to troubleshoot and ultimately wiping the entire computer clean and starting again from scratch, I'm finally back online. Could it have something to do with Jackson's obsession for clickity click clicking my mouse when I leave his sight for a minute? My thought is - perhaps!

I didn't realize just how much I relied on my computer everyday. I don't watch the news...but I read it online. I have a morning routine of reading cnn.com, msnbc.com, my hometown paper online, and my local news station. The only adult shows that we have on tv during non-prime time are sometimes ESPN in the morning before Darin goes to work and an occasional Clean House, Wasted Spaces or some other similar DIY or home show while I eat my lunch once the 3 little ones go to nap. So during my offline time I tried catching up with current events with tv. It was ridiculous. Cnn Headline news would give me 3 or 4 of the headlines before it went to commercial break, some of which I didn't really care about. It would have taken me having news channels on all day to catch up on the news I read in the morning that takes me maybe an hour. I just didn't have the time or the patience for that.

On another note, a fellow Southern Living at Home consultant, and just a wonderful, funny, kind-hearted woman, gave birth to her little boy at only 25 weeks gestation (38-40 is full term). He only weighed 1 lb. 13oz. at birth. He is a fighter and is still hanging in there. Their family could really use your positive thoughts. So please do whatever is comfortable - pray, meditate, send your positive energy, etc- to William Wallace and his family. You can see his story and read about his updates on his carepage if you'd like. Just click here. If you are a first time user, it will ask you to sign up. It's free and they don't share your info with anyone else. Thank you!

I will write a Brownie Blog when the little ones are down for their nap!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

And we're back

Has it really been almost a month since I last blogged? Wow! Where does the time go? While I got many nice gifts for Christmas, Santa failed to bring me the item at the top of my list - about 4 more hours in a day!

It seems so overwhelming to start to blog after so long. So much has happened. Where do I start?

Well, turns out I was "tagged" over my hiatus. Dorinda has so kindly tagged me. I think I will use it to my advantage and leave that as my blog for the day.

Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.


Share the 5 top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.


Share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when your were 25 years old.

Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.

I will share 5 random and/or weird facts about myself.

1. I went out in the Everglades in a small boat with a friend, at night, and used a light to spot alligators. When we spotted one, we jumped in the water to snag it and wrestled it into our boat. Then it was my job to sit on it's back and hold the mouth open while my friend pumped it's stomach to find out what it has been eating. Then we let them go. I think we captured about 15 alligators in total over several nights. All in the name of science =) The research professor, Dr. Brady Barr, now works for National Geographic and has his own show. What a cool job!

2. The one and only time I went to a strip club was actually for Brady Barr's wife-to-be's bachelorette party. It was, of all nights, on Good Friday. I was feeling embarrassed and guilty. Wouldn't you know it, we get to the club and I knew one of the strippers. He was a UM football player! He saw me, laughed, did everything he could to embarrass me some more, and then begged me not to tell his coach what he did for extra money =)

3. I have dissected a human cadaver, while eating dinner.

4. I have SCUBA dived with sharks (although not a great white or bull shark like I hope to someday swim with).

5. I took small gas engines, dairy judging, aquaculture and welding classes in high school. (I attended a small H.S. in central PA - cow country =) So I can fix your lawn mower-provided I have a Briggs & Stratton manual, tell if your cow has mastitis, build you a fish tank, raise some tilapia, and fry them up, and create an iron sculpture. LOL. What useful skills! If I knew I was going to have 5 kids, I would have taken Home Economics instead.

There you have it. Hmmm..who do I tag? Can I tag Dorinda again and have her answer another question?

I'll throw this one out to Amy.