Monday, December 10, 2007

Catching Up

What's worse than 3 kids being sick?

Mom being sick, too!

We were struck with the "a little bit more than 24 hour bug" last week -hence the lack of new posts.

It's hard enough to keep up with the daily ongoings of our household, let alone catching up. Let me tell you how many dishes pile up, laundry loads need washed, shopping needs to get done to restock the food and cleaning supplies...and of course we had family come to town this weekend for Mikayla's birthday celebration. Let's just say that I didn't get caught up in time. Someday my guests will enter a clean and uncluttered home. No guarantees as to when that will be though. I did, however, disinfect all knobs and bathrooms!

I have one little saving grace in my quest to catch up - Shrek the Halls! Can I just tell you that all 5 will sit on the couch and watch this show. They all laugh at some of the parts (the "Everybody Dance Now" part with the dancing turkey is a huge laugh getter!) We recorded it on our DVR. It's been played back many a times...but it's also on ABC again tomorrow night if you want to catch it.

So as I catch up with my housework, I too will catch up with my posts!

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