Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Future Nurse Perhaps

Have you seen the My Twinn Dolls? They are really cute dolls that you can have made to look like your child. Then you can buy matching outfits for your child and the doll. Did I mention they are really cute? I think they charge extra for the cuteness factor. Here's an example:

Well I had been hiding a catalog because I was considering purchasing one for Mikayla for her birthday or Christmas. Mikayla happened upon the magazine and proceeded to say how these were really beautiful dolls. As she paged through, she said she would like one that looked like her and one of the baby dolls. Then when she got to the Doll Hospital page, she saw this picture:

Mikayla gasped and said, “Oh Mom, that’s the one I want! You know I like taking care of people!”

1 comment:

JKW said...

Well when I told her she could take care of her little brothers & sister while I hang out with JT, she said she didn't want to do that...So is it that she really wants to help people or is it that she just wants to be a nurse like her mom?